Klamath Union High School Class 1967
Larry Johnson
I'm living just north of Portland near the small town of Woodland, WA, and have been working for the City of Portland's Communications Services since 1990. Several years ago, I bought a place on the very top of a mountain near Woodland with 5+ acres, and on those few Winter days that I can't make it up the hill to my home, I can still stay at my other house in SW Portland. It's about an hour drive each way to my office from home. I'm way out in the country, where I see coyotes, bears, deer, elk, bobcats, and lots of other critters. I can see downtown Portland 35 miles away, and have the best of both worlds since I get to work in the big City and come home to the quiet country.
After graduating from OIT in the early 70's, I worked for Tektronix in the Portland area and at their field office near San Jose until 1990, covering a big "territory" of North America and Asia. Although coming close one time in my younger years, I stayed single and have been very fortunate to enjoy things like flying single-engine planes, travel, activities in our local Corvette club, Roller-Coaster enthusiasts club trips to Europe, and lots of other fun things that I never would have been able to do if I had a family. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't do very much different!
Coming to the reunion this year will be a last-minute deal, if it works out with another conflicting event. Thanks to everyone who posted their profiles so I could get caught up on what's happened with so many of you!