Klamath Union High School Class 1967
Sydney Kennedy
I am living in Beaverton, working in Portland, as the one person computer dept for a small paper trading company. This is the perfect job for me, I like solving problems and feeling helpful. What I do for fun is participate in book groups, a bridge group, church choir, going out to hear live music and theater. I also volunteer with the Portland Jazz Festival. I'll be walking in the Portland to Coast relay this month. I'm grateful for having some wonderful friends, and my sons.

My older son will be finishing his senior year at the U of O, majoring in philosophy and political theory this year. He has spent the last 4 summers working at Glacier Nat'l Park which is his other passion. My younger son will be a junior at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, where he is double majoring in jazz trombone performance and music synthesis. He has had a great summer performing with various groups in Portland and being a counselor at the Mel Brown Jazz Workshop.