Klamath Union High School Class 1967
Nola Milligan (Ostrom)
Where does one begin after 40 years? After graduating from SOC (now SOU), I worked at both U of O and SOU over a period of 17 years. During that time (1971) I married Michael Milligan and we celebrated 36 years together in March. We began a family later than most, and I quit working in 1984 to stay home with our son, Drew, who is now 23. Holly was born three years later, and completed our happy family. They are currently both living at home although Drew is looking for a place to share with some roommates as he graduated last term from SOU. Holly is a straight A student at SOU and begins her junior year in the Fall. They both work at an upscale Victorian Inn where Drew is head waiter and Holly is hostess.
Mike retired a few years ago from Medford Fire Department after 29 years and while we were still young enough to enjoy life. We walk, bike, build decks, and have spent the summer doing pavers and brick walls in our yard....now that we have time.
Look forward to catching up at the reunion; have already enjoyed reading the many bios. Feel free to e-mail us.