Klamath Union High School Class 1967
Donnis Parks
howdy everyone!

I haven't been to any previous reunions, but figured this one might be a hoot. I left Klamath after I graduated-moved to Eugene Oregon with my best pal, Sharon Taylor-worked in LOTS of restaurants up there. Moved back to Klamath when my mom passed away in 1978. Started working for the State of Oregon in 1980 and have been grateful to have that same occupation still. I work for Senior & Disabled Services in K. Falls and love it. Never married and never had kids (on purpose)-love to read, watch som tv shows (actually i never watch tv, i just tape the shows i like & watch the tapes later).
love science fiction, still, murder stories (true & fiction)-haven't kept in touch with lots of folks (kind of "peopled out" at the end of the day with my job, even though i do like it.
i'm old, fat & tired and would like to be old fat & retired. i am the crazy cat lady, i have 20 cats. i lost touch with sharon in around 1972 & just caught up with her last year and was so happy to do so. i wonder a