Klamath Union High School Class 1967
David Thomas
After I graduated I went SOC for 4 terms and OIT for a term and then joined the Navy. I was active duty in the Navy for 6 years with 2 tours in Vietnam. I stayed in San Diego for 10 years and was married with one daughter. In 1980 I moved back to K.Falls and opened a restaurant, went back to school, and got a divorce all in the same year. I also went back into the Navy as a reservist. In 1983 I married Marie who was teaching in Klamath County School District. I worked several different jobs in the auto industry and moved to Eugene in 1988. In 1991 I was recalled by the Navy for Desert Storm for 7 months. 1993 was memorable for me. I was promoted to Chief Petty Officer in the Navy Reserve and was hired by the Lane County Sheriff's Office as a deputy. I retired from the Navy Reserve in 1998 and
retired from the Sheriff's Office at the end of 2007. My wife, Marie retired in 2006 after teaching for 30 years. We are looking forward to traveling, fishing and doing just about anything we want to after I retire.