Klamath Union High School Class 1967
Susan Welling (Jackson)
It isn't forty years is it? Reality check,huh. I wasn't able to go to the reunion in '77 because we were stationed in Korea. My husband, Jim and I have been married 37, years and we have two sons Eric and Marc. Jim retired from the Army as a CW4 and continues to work at Ft. Lee, VA. I quit working as an LPN when we had our youngest and enjoyed staying home and taking care of the family. In July we will be heading to Alaska to see our oldest son and family. Eric is stationed in Alaska,having gone there as his first duty station in the Air Force. They needed to transfer him out of AK but he liked it so much he got out of the AF and went to work for the Alaska PD as a dispatcher. That proved not family friendly due to hours, so he went into the Air Guard where he is now with the Counter-Drug Support Program, and is the First Sgt. of his reserve squadron. We have two beautiful granddaughters, Lily and Rylan, so AK is our favorite spot to visit a couple of times a year. It isn't often enough, but we'll take whatever time we can get. Our youngest son is an EMT and volunteers, as much time as his job will allow. He will be moving up to an assistant manager position, at Arby's. As you can tell I'm a proud Mom. I'm looking forward to coming to the reunion. I don't know if there has been any since '77 when we were unable to come. It is about 3000 miles from here to Klamath. It will be nice to see friends and get reaquainted.